April 16, 2019

What is branding?

by jeremy.g.long / Branding / Marketing / Work

A question potential clients almost always ask is “What is branding?” and why is it important to my marketing?


They’ve seen it mentioned in the articles they’ve read. They’ve heard Gary Vaynerchuk mention it in his audio podcasts. It’s been written on a million sites just like this one. At the end of the day, they don’t really understand what it means and how it effects their company.


A quick Google search of “What is branding in marketing” yields this definition, which is pretty typical:

Branding. Definition: The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products. An effective brand strategy gives you a major edge in increasingly competitive markets.

While this is a perfect by-the-book definition of branding, allow me to challenge it with a different take:


Branding is the relationship between your company and your customers.


Logos, mottos, websites, jingles… sure they all play their parts. But it doesn’t matter how slick your company logo is, or how change driven your motto promises to be, if the interactions between your company and your customers is shit… well… your brand is shit.


You can create :30 commercials and play them in prime time television, promising that your customer service satisfaction is the game-changer between you and your competition. Want low prices? We got ’em! The lowest in town!


But when potential customers show up and your prices are anything but the lowest in town, and your customer service is horrible… well, your brand isn’t good at all.


Move to perfect that relationship above everything else. Clarify your vision. That builds trust. Trust builds loyal (read: repeat) customers.


It’s not an easy process, and it will take time, but in the end that’s the thing that will define your brand everywhere you go.

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