April 30, 2019

Room for one more?

by jeremy.g.long / Business 101 / Life / The Struggle

I’m now at that age where, during these last few months, multiple friends of mine are running for political positions in different cities across varying states. Mayors, councilpersons; eager to represent their friends and neighbors in one way or another. We’re also entering new positions in the workplace. We’re being named Directors, General Managers, Vice Presidents.


We’ve reached the point where the next generation is stepping into the batters box. Whether you agree with her politics or not, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a high profile example of this. Millennials ready to take charge. Ready to take a place at the table.


I realize it’s extremely scary for older generations. Especially since they’ve wasted so much time criticizing a generation as being selfish, sensitive and “snowflakes” instead of working with us, teaching us or guiding us.


Now it’s our time.


On stages big and small, Congress, the White House, and every day businesses, we’re looking to have our voices heard and our ideas implemented.


So it’s on you. Are you going to allow us to join the group? Are you going to set a place for us at the table willingly? Or are you going down with the ship because your pride won’t let you make room for someone who isn’t exactly like you?


There’s room for new ideas. New growth. There’s room for one more.


Are you going to help us lead and make us accountable to the generations that follow, or are you going to snub your nose, ready to shoot down even good thoughts because we have different beliefs?


The thing is: we want your help. We’re looking for answers, too. We’re looking for mentors who believe in us and will champion us to our finish line.


But what we won’t do is be quiet.


What we won’t do is sit idle while people are bullied and preyed upon, in and outside of the workplace.


We’re the children you have raised. So if you find fault in us, you find fault in yourself.


Through the passage of time or the torch, we’re taking over.


It’s up to you how this happens.



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